The Hiking Bookworm

Get Ready to Adventure!

Hi, I’m Agnes! Your typical one-foot-in-front-of-the-other-foot hiker, outdoor enthusiast, bookworm whenever the mood strikes (which is often), owner of a crazy vizsla, Major, and married to my very best friend, David, from the good ole’ high school days. We’re nearly half a century old and quite content in our mid life crisis years.

Mount Rainier - Panorama Trail to Paradise Lookout - July 2021

Our World as an Open Book…

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Come. Hang Out With Me

Hi, I’m Agnes! No. Not the marmot, but there sure are days when I wish my only chore was to forage for food, frolic in the sun, and be adored by tourists. But I’m a humanoid so I spend my days handling real estate transactions as a mobile notary and being a pretty badass business owner. Otherwise, I seek to be an outdoor adventurer as a trail hiker. Book loving fever reignited in the past half decade and this time I won’t let it peter out. And recently faced with an existential crisis about my photos and book reviews not existing in one organized place. So, this website was born.